Bob's AstroGallery

Tag: Nebula

NGC 7023

by on Sep.20, 2011, under NGC Objects

A.k.a.: Iris Nebula
A.k.a.: Caldwell 4
Type: Reflection Nebula
Distance: 1300 light years
Radius: 3 light years
Camera: Atik 314L Color
Exposure: 20x 300s, 5 darks, no flats
Filters: Hutech IDAS LPS-P2

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A new M 27

by on Sep.20, 2011, under Messier Objects

A.k.a.: Dumbbell Nebula
A.k.a.: NGC6853
Type: Planetary Nebula
Distance from earth: Approx. 1350 light years
Radius: Approx. 1.5 light years
Camera: Atik 314L Color
Exposure: 14x 300s, 5 darks, no flats
Filters: Hutech IDAS LPS-P2

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Flaming Star Nebula

by on Mar.05, 2011, under Caldwell Objects

Type: Emission/reflection Nebula
A.k.a.: Caldwell 31, IC405, Sh2-229
Constellation: Auriga
Distance From Earth: 1,500 light years
Diameter: 5 light years

Camera: Atik 314L color
Exposure: 23x300s light frames, 0 dark frames, 0 flats. Bad pixel map used.
Filters: Hutech IDAS LPS-P2
Telescope: Skywatcher 120 ED Pro

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M 1 (Crab Nebula)

by on Jan.29, 2011, under Messier Objects

Type: Supernova remnant
A.k.a.: NGC1952
Constellation: Taurus
Distance From Earth: 6,300 light years
Diameter: 5.5 light years

Camera: Atik 314L color
Exposure: 18x300s light frames, 0 dark frames, 0 flats
Filters: Hutech IDAS LPS-P2
Telescope: Skywatcher 120 ED Pro

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Elephant’s Trunk

by on Jan.28, 2011, under Deepsky

Type: Emission Nebula
A.k.a.: IC 1396
Constellation: Cepheus
Camera: Atik 314L color
Exposure: 15x420s light frames, 0 dark frames, 0 flats
Filters: Hutech IDAS LPS-P2

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Horsehead Nebula

by on Jan.10, 2011, under Deepsky

A.k.a.: Barnard 33
Type: Emission Nebula
Constellation: Orion
Camera: Atik 314L color
Exposure: 8x600s light frames, 0 dark frames, 0 flats
Filters: Hutech IDAS LPS-P2

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M 42 (Orion Nebula) & M 43 (De Mairan’s Nebula) & NGC 1973 (The Running Man)

by on Dec.30, 2010, under Deepsky, Messier Objects, NGC Objects

A.k.a.: NGC 1976 & NGC 1982
Constellation: Orion
Camera: Canon EOS 550D
Exposure: 10x 420s @ ISO 400, 10x 60s @ ISO 400, 10x60s darks, 5x 420s darks, 20 flats, 2×2 binning
Filters: IDAS LPS-P2

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M 76

by on Dec.15, 2010, under Messier Objects

A.k.a.: Little Dumbbell Nebula
A.k.a.: NGC 650/651
Constellation: Perseus
Camera: Atik 314L color
Exposure: 4x360s lights, 4x darks, 20 flats
Filters: none

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Bubble Nebula

by on Dec.15, 2010, under Caldwell Objects

A.k.a. Bubble Nebula
A.k.a. Caldwell 11
Type: Emission Nebula
Constellation: Cassiopeia
Camera: Atik 314L color
Exposure: 6x600s light frames, 4x 600s dark frames
Filters: none

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M 42

by on Dec.13, 2010, under Messier Objects

A.k.a. Orion Nebula
Constellation: Orion
Camera: Atik 314L color
Exposure: 2x120s light frames, no darks
Filters: none

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