Bob's AstroGallery

Abell Galaxy Cluster (AGC 426) in Perseus

by on Oct.24, 2011, under NGC Objects

Type: Lots of all kinds of galaxies
Constellation: Perseus
Distance From Earth: Varies anywhere between approx. 200,000,000 – 280,000,000 light years, some possibly even more distant

Camera: Atik 314L color
Exposure: 20x480s light frames, 5 dark frames, 0 flats.
Filters: Hutech IDAS LPS-P2
Telescope: Robtics 130mm F/6.9 Triplet Apo


2 Comments for this entry

  • Larry

    Hi Bob,

    I like your website and I especially like your wide field astro photos. They show galaxies in prospective to the enormity of the universe – unlike most “close up” photos, which show nice detail in galaxies, but lose the sence of the vast space in which they exist. I actually prefer the prospectives of your photos. Not only is it easier to use a small refractor than the C9.25 (as you discovered), I think the photos taken with small refractors are more awe inspiring. If I want to see close ups, I can look at Hubble photos.

    If I can make a suggestion: the background wallpaper you use is attractive, but when posting your fine images on top of that background, the wallpaper is distracting. Your photos on a solid black background (or maybe with a wide black boarder to separate them from the wallpaper) would be more stunning and would make them “pop.” Not a criticism… Just my $.02.


  • Bob

    Hi Larry,

    Thanks for your feedback! It’s always nice to see a fellow amateur finding his way to my little blog.
    My previous camera, the Atik 314L didn’t allow for much wide-field imaging, the fov was just too small.
    I now have an Atik 383L+ mono camera which will help me make far more interesting images in combination with my 115mm triplet apo. If only the weather would be on my side…

    Regarding a black background, I don’t really like that very much, makes things boring. But I did see your point, so I’ve added a border around the images so they will obviously be separated by my background image.
    I think it actually does look better this way, so thanks again!


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