Archive for June, 2011
Another sunset
by Bob on Jun.20, 2011, under Weather Pics
For lack of good weather for astrophotography.
Taken @ 10:08pm
Canon EOS 550D with 18-55mm kitlens
1x 1/640s (above horizon) + 1x 1/125s (below horizon), ISO 200 @ f/4.5
Now with both telescopes mounted
by Bob on Jun.08, 2011, under My Equipment
Finally received the DSBS-V side-by-side plate!
Now the Big C9.25 EdgeHD and ED80 can be mounted at the same time, allowing me to use one scope for imaging and the other for autoguiding.
One tiny setback though, the 10kg counterweight isn’t sufficient anymore, I need to add another one or I can’t balance it as it is!
I am no longer using this telescope! I had too much problems getting everything to work, had to buy this and that just to be able to make some photos. In the end I got tired of it and traded it in for a new Apochromatic refractor (Robtics 115mm F7 triplet apo).
M 13
by Bob on Jun.03, 2011, under Messier Objects
Type: Globular Cluster
A.k.a.: NGC 6205
Constellation: Hercules
Distance From Earth: 25,100 light years
Camera: Atik 314L color
Exposure: 26x30s light frames, 0 dark frames, 0 flats.
Filters: Hutech IDAS LPS-P2
Telescope: C9.25 EdgeHD