M 11
by Bob on Oct.15, 2010, under Messier Objects
Type: Globular Cluster
A.ka.a: NGC 6705
Camera: Canon EOS 550D (unmodified)
Exposure: 40x30s @ISO800, no darks, no flats
Filters: none
by Bob on Oct.15, 2010, under Messier Objects
Type: Globular Cluster
A.ka.a: NGC 6705
Camera: Canon EOS 550D (unmodified)
Exposure: 40x30s @ISO800, no darks, no flats
Filters: none
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May 17th, 2011 on 12:25
Hi.. I want to know that what additional equipment you used with this camera? I am going to purchase D550 camera and my purpose is astrophotograhy so will you please give me more details?
May 17th, 2011 on 14:29
Hi, all the equipment used is mentioned in the blog post.
May 24th, 2011 on 12:38
I mean which mount you have used to take such steady shot? I think you can help me and guide me for doing such great photography 🙂
May 24th, 2011 on 13:01
Ahh, of course, my bad!
I used a Skywatcher ED120 on a NEQ-6 Pro mount.
Next to the ED120 I used an ED80 as guidescope, with an Alccd5 monochrome camera for autoguiding.
I used PHD to autoguide.
But I don’t have the mount and ED120 anymore, they have been replaced by a Celestron CGE and C9.25 EdgeHD.
Hopefully I’ll receive the cable I need to connect this mount to my laptop soon, so I can make new photos 🙂